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A few awesome claimed prizes
Used the ebay gift cards I got from at least 2 weeks worth of points and just got my headphones in the mail today, loving them already!
Anthony A.
Halo:Reach!!! I LOVE YOU PR!!! Thanks PrizeRebel
Rhys J
Just want to say thank you Prize Rebel and if my prize claim goes through I will soon have assassins creed on the xbox 360. Peace!
I got this Tuesday but Ive been a little busy playing it to post a picture. Such a fantastic game. Lots of side quests and huge area to explore. Easily worth the price the $60 but free thanks to Prize Rebel makes it even better. Thanks PZ.
Derek O
Prize Rebel is the cream of the crop when it comes to free stuff. At first glance, it seems this site is a scam, but Prize Rebel is as legit as it gets. Their support is the fastest around. I've used other prize sites, and Prize Rebel makes them look like a joke. Thanks PrizeRebel!
I would like to say Prizerebel is one of the best sites ever! I have recently won the september contest and prizerebel took my custom order for a 4gb sandisk mp3 player and i got it within a week after i ordered it! Their support is great and would answer all my questions within 1 day too. I also ordered zelda, which took around a week to get too. As for NX for maplestory, they shipped it to my email and recieved it 5 days after. The shipping is so fast and all my offers credit so fast too :] Prizerebel is just too good.!
This site is great! Making referrals couldnt be easier. I was the 1st place winner of both the September and Halo 3 contest. So far, I've won 2 PS3's, 2 ipod Touches (its the flashing thing in the picture), Super Mario Galaxy, Guitar Hero 3, Wii accessories, and lots of other prizes that I couldn't fit into the picture. Of course, it was all free! No scams, no credit cards necessary, great support, and fast shipping. This site is perfect.
Thanks prize rebel. I been wanting lost odyssey for a while but could not afford a 60 game. Now I got the game and the pre order bonus. Thanks! Ninja gaiden 2 your up next!
Thank you Prize Rebel for this amazing site! I have Halo 3 right now and I'm playing it at this moment. The service was pretty fast. I ordered on Sunday and got it on Wednesday! I thought Prize Rebel was a phony site so i didn't really care if my game came in or not so i wasn't really worried. Butttt when the USPS man came to my house, I literally screamed! So, overall this site is amazing.